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SERVE Retreat at Floyd County's EcoVillage

At an early age I knew I loved being aware of others’ feelings and tailoring my behavior to accommodate their needs. Now it has become so natural, it seems I can’t shut it off – definitely not a bad thing, because I wouldn’t even if I could. Sometimes it is so natural I can’t separate others’ feelings from my own. I hear brief pieces of conversation and laugh just as hard as the people talking about the joke as I pass by. I often feel emotions very deeply, as if they were actually happening to me instead of happening exclusively to the people I am helping. And while that can be rough at times, it is my favorite quality. Empathy. For me, it is invaluable and I believe it inspires me to help others every day, especially when seeking opportunities to use my skills in a way that benefits others.

I started cheering in third grade, and by my senior year I had cheered 17 seasons including everything from sideline, competitive, performance, to high school cheer. During my freshman year of high school, I suffered from a severe concussion and didn’t fully recover for another 18 months. In the interim, I volunteered my time as a coach for sideline and performance teams. My favorite team that I ever coached was during my sophomore year of high school at the Springfield Youth Club (SYC). I choreographed routines, dances, stunts, and cheers. Working with girls of all ages, ranging from seven to 14, I built confidence and friendships – so much more than just skills, even though that was my expectation – in this wonderful group of young girls. After spending that year with them, totaling at about 300 hours of community service (all very well spent), it was very difficult for me to step back from my coaching position. Now, I stay in touch with the cheerleaders through social media to continue to watch them grow, and I even cheered with a couple of them on the same high school team during my senior year.

Knowing how much I enjoyed volunteering at SYC, I knew I wanted to get very involved in community service at VT. I watched videos of some of the service/study abroad trips and I just thought to myself “THAT is what college should be!” Without a doubt, I was going to get involved. Then came the question, “How?” I had no idea. I just assumed that I’d stumble upon an opportunity to volunteer somewhere, or join a couple clubs that volunteered their time.

I NEVER thought I’d join an LLC. Too much time, too overwhelming, and honestly I was just apprehensive about the whole thing.

Hokie camp? That sounds hokie… (Ha.) Around June, my roommate convinced me to sign up for Hokie Camp. While I had a memorable time there, I realized shortly after returning home that weekend that I was meant to be there so I could be introduced to the SERVE LLC. Catherine gave a presentation about the SERVE and I was captivated by the idea that volunteer hours could have more meaning. For SERVE, it wasn’t just donating your time to one activity and going home to continue your life unchanged. It’s about listening to the community, responding to their needs, and working yourself out of a job by solving a problem that may have been deeply affecting the community as a whole. I had never been introduced to service in that way, and it has already changed the way I view my actions in some small way that I know will grow as I develop through living with this group of SERVErs. I am a firm believer that the most meaningful things in life are the ones that deeply affect you. Moments that forcefully shove you back, not a step back, to evaluate something from a different perspective. To be blindsided with issues that you didn’t even know existed. Times that try your patience, and make you eager to solve a problem. This connected me to SERVE. It sounded enlightening, challenging, and honestly it sounded like it would work. Like the things people do with SERVE actually have a positive impact, and that we, as volunteers, grow too after investing in a problem that we care about.

At the time I am writing this, 3 hours before the midnight deadline 3 weeks into college, I am aware. I am already aware that the people I’ve met and continue to meet as I get to know different aspects of everyone’s lives, will change me. I am aware that joining SERVE is one of the best decisions I’ve made, and I recognize this every day. It seems I am most aware of this during the little moments of the day. Walking across the Drillfield to class with a smile that is 100% permanent and may even look a little goofy. Waking up, almost – BUT NOT – missing a 9 am class after 2, 3, and yes, even 4 am conversations with people I must have known for years, not a mere three weeks. I am aware because I enjoy all of my classes. I am excited to come to my dorm (which I frequently refer to as home… not a mistake but not quite intentional either) just to see my peeps and hear how their day went. It’s in these little moments that I am most aware of how happy I am. I cannot wait to SERVE with this group of dedicated people by my side.

Plus, who doesn’t love to be inspired every day?

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